Q. What days do you have the tours?

A. EVERYDAY. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday the group tours often becomes full quick, so please book early. Remember before you book, please ask me ANY questions you may have!

Q. Is there an emergency contact?

A. Yes, please call Andy on 080 7012 2238 if there is an emergency.    My email address is andy@osakafoodtours.com

Q. Is it really a money back guarantee?

A. Yes, if you don’t enjoy our tour, we return your money.

Q. Can I do a private tour?

A. Yes of course but you must contact Andy on andy@osakafoodtours.com to book a private tour in advance.

Q. Can I come alone? is it safe?

A. For sure, 50% come alone.

Q. I am Japanese, is it okay to join your tour?

A. You are very welcome to come. We get Japanese people every week. 日本語も話せます。

Q. Can Children join this tour?

A. YES of course. Kids 12 and younger are half price. There is un unlimited amount of exciting activities to do in this non touristic region of Osaka that the kids would thoroughly enjoy:) We can adjust the food if kids are fussy too.

Q. I can’t speak Japanese, is that okay?

A. Of course, the whole tour is in English. 日本語話せるツアーガイドもいます。

Q. What types of people join?

A.  A variety of types of people…From travellers to families, it draws a variety of people. From 20~60 years of age…generally those who are more cultured and want to know more about the authentic food scene of Osaka.

Q.  I’m a shy person. I don’t know if I can fit in or feel comfortable. Is it okay?

A. In this tour we make sure everyone feels welcome and nobody is left out or feels awkward!! We make sure you have a fantastic time eating amazing food and drinking amazing drinks while understanding the real history of this region and seeing some unforgetable sites… or we give you your money back.


Q. Will you give us a comprehensive understanding of the drinks we get?

A. Yes, our guides are very familar with all the drinks on the list and all bars/ restaurants we go to.  Ask a lot of questions

Q. What sort of varieties of drinks are there?

A. There is a huge variety:  craft beers, sake, chuhai, plum wine, shochu, cocktails.

Q. Are there any non-alcoholic drinks?

A. Yes there are milkshakes, juice and non-alcoholic beers.


Q. I’m a vegetarian, is it okay to come?

A. Yes, at every stop we have varieties of vegetarian friendly food (But please tell us in advance…there is a space to write you food restrictions when your booking)

Q. I’m pescatarian, is it okay to come?

A. Yes, at every stop we have varietes of non seafood items, please just let us know about in advance.

Q. I’m a vegan, is it okay to come?

A. Unfortunately we can’t ensure you a great variety of food. So the answer is no.

Q. I’m a big eater, will I be full?

A. Yes, for sure. Absolutely, we will make sure of this….you will not leave without a full belly!

Q. I can’t eat dairy product, is that okay?

A. Yes, most places are fine.


Q. How long will we walk for?

A. We will walk for 1.7km in 3hrs. Just wear walking shoes or sneakers is fine. No special shoes required.

Q. Is it a difficult walk?

A. No its 1.7km and its all flat all the way for about 3hrs. We try our best to go at a pace that is comfortable and suitable to the group.

Q. How many people generally attend these tours?

A. Small groups. Only 2~6 people. But we do cater for large private group bookings of up to 30 people.


Q. I’ve never heard of  “Stripe” payment service. Is it safe?

A. Absolutely, its completely safe and is used in more than 25 countries around the world. It is super easy to use.

Q. If it’s bad weather, when do you notify and cancel the event?

A. We will send you an email via the payment site, 3 hours before if the weather is not suitable.

Q. If the weather is inappropriate to do a tour will I get a full refund?

A. Absolutely, we give you a full refund immediately to your bank account.

Q. Do I get a refund if I cancel before?
A. If you cancel up till 24hrs before the tour starts you get a full refund if you decide not to participate.

Q.Can you arrange some activities after the tour finish?


Absolutely, we can arrange and guide you to shopping areas, bars etc in nearby entertainment districts.